Employability and careers
Careers in the curriculum
Careers in the curriculum and at home
Every student has a range of careers-linked lessons, either during PSHE or through particular subject planning. This is to help students link what they are learning to their future study and/or career. We have a range of resources available for students, parents and teachers.
Resource for Students, Staff and Parents
Learning about the wide range of jobs available both in our local area and nationally, we also release a “job of the month” every month, alongside a “degree of the month”.
You can also check out the wealth of information available on Unifrog here: Unifrog
We also have some students who are not at school, off ill and/or may want or need to access careers work from home. There are 4 hours worth of work for students in key stage 3, and 2 hours of work for students in key stage 4, designed to give students access to the same information their peers are learning in school.