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Policies and public documents

Academy policies
Cover every aspect of school life
Academy policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies and public documents for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please check the trust website, or contact us.
- Admissions information
- Attendance information and policy
- Assessment policy
- Behaviour policy
- CCTV policy
- Charging and remissions policy
- Child protection and safeguarding policy
- Educational visits policy
- Examinations policy
- Examinations contingency policy
- First aid policy
- Health and safety policy statement
- Music development plan
- Non-examination assessment policy
- Online safety policy
- Provider access and careers policy
- Public sector equality duty
- Pupil premium strategy statement
- RSE policy
- SEND policy
- SEND information report
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy
- Suicide prevention policy
- Uniform policy