Useful information


Welcome to the

Information for Parents section

Welcome to the Information for Parents section of the New Road academy website. Here, you will find all the key details you need to ensure your child’s experience at our school is smooth, successful, and enjoyable. From admissions, term dates and school meals to uniform guidelines and extracurricular opportunities, this section is designed to keep you informed and engaged. Our strong home-school partnership is vital to us, and we believe that well-informed parents contribute significantly to the success and well-being of our pupils. Please explore the resources available and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need further assistance.

find out more

Please select below:

DSC 7652

Admission and appeals

DSC 7715

Catering and school meals

DSC 0309

Educational visits

DSC 7286 00002

Parent communications

DSC 7289

Parents Association (PTA)

DSC 7406 00016

The school day

DSC 0134
