British values

The Government defined its concept of

‘British values’

The Government defined its concept of ‘British values’ in its 2011 Prevent strategy, and since 2014 the Department for Education has required all academies to “promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.

Our academy has a wonderfully diverse community and welcomes and values everyone, whatever their ability, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, or background. Currently, we have students and families who originate from many different countries worldwide. As a community academy, we believe we have a vital role in combating discrimination and promoting fairness, justice, and equality through our teaching and in the role models we offer. We teach our students to be responsible citizens and positive representatives of the United Kingdom within the wider world.

Promoting British values is, therefore, an intrinsic part of all we do. We expect that these values and attitudes are modelled and promoted by all the staff, allowing pupils to see and hear these values in action every day.

We promote ‘British values’ through our spiritual, moral, social, and cultural education which is developed through all curriculum areas and in all aspects of school life.

‘British values’ have been identified as:

  • Democracy – New Road Academy encourages respect for democracy by democratically electing academy Student Senior Leadership teams. We have Senior Student Leaders, Deputies and year Leaders as well as executive committees which are led by students in areas such as diversity, extracurricular, education and environment. Members from each tutor group are also elected to the New Road Academy Student Council. Elected members represent Student Voice at regular Student Council meetings. The student leadership team is very well established and provides opportunities for students of all ages to represent their peers.


  • Rule of Law – Relationships between staff and students are based on our core values: Ambition, Respect, Courage. Clearly stated standards of behaviour are upheld by all. As part of the Personal Development curriculum, assemblies and within form time, students are taught the value and reasons behind law. This includes the understanding of school rules and responsibilities, rewards, and consequences. We have also developed a behaviour curriculum which is taught each week through tutor time and explicitly teaches students the behaviours expected of them. We have excellent links with the local communities and authorities who help to re-enforce this message through presentations during one off assembly and through subject engagement weeks. The rule of law is also explored through the History Curriculum at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, these opportunities are mapped on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural values grid and designed to complement the personal development curriculum.

‘British values’ have been identified as:

  • Individual Liberty – We celebrate success at all levels. Universal coverage of individual liberty is delivered through the strands of Celebrating Diversity and Equality through the Personal Development Curriculum. Students can voice their thoughts and feelings through the student voice structure as well as in individual consultation, department review and termly student surveys. Student council representatives also regularly collect the thoughts and opinions of their peers and these are fed back to senior leaders during regular student council meetings.


  • Mutual Respect – We have well established links with our local community and view partnerships with the Learning Community Trust, wider community partners and our families as central to our success.

    Students are taught about respect and about caring for themselves and others as part of the Personal Development programme. Students treat each other with respect and regularly create fundraising opportunities for a variety of local and national charitable organisations. Within the personal development curriculum students explore how to respect each other as well as themselves through the core theme of Health and Wellbeing, staying safe online and offline, Celebrating Equality and Diversity and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE); students are taught how to respect other religions, cultures, genders, ethnicities, beliefs, and sexual preferences.
    Our students are taught about protected characteristics, the Equality act 2010 and how to ensure they are respected and observed in their day-to-day life. Our students are taught how to be responsible, respectful and resilient individuals, they are encouraged to respect the diversity within our community and culture, and to treat everyone equally. They learn about respectful relationships in an age-appropriate manner in RSE.


  • Acceptance of different faiths and beliefs – We celebrate our differences and show respect for our community. Students understand and develop their role as active and responsible citizens and are equipped with the skills to challenge discrimination. As part of the Religious Education (RE) curriculum tolerance and acceptance of other faiths and cultures is discussed, debated, and encouraged. Students’ understanding of the issues surrounding equality and the protected characteristics are developed through both the taught curriculum and co-curricular opportunities such as Diversity Day.

We are also A School of Sanctuary.

A school of sanctuary is a school or academy that is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all, especially those seeking sanctuary. It could be people whose lives were in danger in their own country, who have troubles at home or are just looking for a space of safety.

A School of Sanctuary is a school or academy that helps its students, staff and wider community understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary and to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of the school community. It is a school that is proud to be a place of safety and inclusion for all. We were officially awarded the title of a School of Sanctuary in January 2024.