

Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact

About the subject

Art is the silent expression of thoughts, feelings and experiences.

Marylin O

Every child has the right to engage with art and express themselves, and we strive to nurture each child’s individuality and creativity. This ethos is central to the art education at New Road Academy; Art influences every aspect of who we are.

Students who study Fine Art / Textiles / Graphic Communication at New Road Academy will achieve success, show enthusiasm, and demonstrate resilience while creating innovative work, exploring their ideas, while gaining a variety of skills, learning to do visual research using different sources and record observations and ideas imaginatively. Students will develop and bring their ideas to life and refine their work. Students will learn to use various materials, tools, and techniques safely and effectively across all three disciplines. Finally, students will explore a range of artworks / designers from different times and cultures, helping them understand the continuity and change in art, craft, and design.

Our team strives to create a learning environment where students feel a sense of belonging, safety, and support throughout their creative journey.

About the KS3 Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact

At Key Stage 3, the goal of the curriculum is to engage, inspire and challenge students through a broad range of techniques and processes being taught, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. The art curriculum aims to foster students’ ability to work independently and build their confidence to be imaginative and creative in their work.

Students will explore the seven formal elements of art: line, tone, pattern, texture, colour, shape, and form, through 3-4 projects each year. Throughout KS3, students will enhance their skills and knowledge in art practice by developing their abilities in drawing, painting, printmaking, and 3D making. Each year, the projects will cover similar materials and techniques but will become progressively more challenging. Additionally, each project will reference the work of various artists, designers, and cultures, helping students develop an awareness and appreciation of different styles, genres, and cultural influences.

Students enjoy Art in Key Stage 3, showing high engagement and appreciation through Voice of the Student activities. Progress in Key Stage 3 is strong with a high proportion of students making excellent progress from a range of starting points. At New Road Academy, our curriculum focuses on students’ learning, ensuring it is broad, balanced, and helps them grow as individuals and learners. We aim to give every student a positive and creative Art experience while they are with us.

Homework is crucial in helping students grow as young artists and designers. By working independently outside the classroom, students can develop their skills and ideas in a personal manner, fostering an individual approach to their work. Homework will be set every two weeks, and it is expected that every student attempts it to the best of their ability. The tasks will vary, including research, drawing, and designing.

At New Road Academy we offer an extra-curricular programme called Arts Award, where students will develop their creative skills, can gain a qualification and develop their creativity, communication and leadership; useful transferable skills for future education and employment.

Students can continue their art education passed Key Stage 3 at New Road Academy to one of three options; GCSE Fine Art, Textiles, or Graphic Communication. At Post 16 level, there are a wide range of options to study at a local College or Sixth Form such as, A Levels within Art and Design; Fine Art, Fashion and Textiles, Graphic Communication, Photography, 3-Dimensional Design, or, BTEC Art and Design. Within the field of art and design, there are numerous specialisms to progress into for a career, these include Animation, Film Production, Interior Design and Fashion Design, Art Teacher, Theatre Designer, Creative Media Creator, Museum Educator, Art Therapist to name some.

About the KS4 Curriculum intent, implementation, and impact

At Key Stage 4, all the Art based options (Fine Art, Textiles and Graphic Communication) explore creativity and self-expression, helping you solve problems and think in new ways and encourages critical thinking. The course includes developing artistic skills through practice and experimentation, allowing students to explore a wide range of techniques, skills and processes including, drawing, painting, 3Dimensional Art, digital art and photography. As well as researching both historical and modern artists and designers to build a well-rounded understanding of how art and design has evolved.

The course has 4 key different assessment objectives, and these are the basis of the content of the course:

  • Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
  • Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
  • Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.

These are examined across two components:

Component 1 – This is the coursework unit carried out in Year 10 and until Christmas of Year 11. Students will be able to choose from three themes set by the teacher and encouraged to personalise them along their creative journey.

Component 2 – This is the externally set task set by the exam board and students will have approximately 12 weeks to complete it between January and April of Year 11.

At New Road Academy we have designed our curriculum with students’ learning at the centre. We recognise that a curriculum has to be broad, balanced and offer students opportunities to grow as individuals as well as learners. Our focus is to provide every student with a positive and creative experience of Art whilst they’re with us at New Road Academy and one that will give them the skills to confidently go onto study within the area or have transferable skills for their next steps. The proportion of students taking art as an option in KS4 is strong and many of these children excel, with some of the highest grades achieved. Beyond the grades achieved, the quality and diversity of the work produced in KS4 is exemplary in its creativity and beauty.

Homework at GCSE is always related to, and forms part of the students’ current project work and it is crucial in supporting the students to achieve their potential in their GCSE. Homework tasks include visual research (photography), observational studies, material experiments, reviewing and refinements and artist/designer analysis tasks. Homework will be set on a weekly basis. Students will be encouraged to take advantage of after-school clubs to access materials and get teacher support with their homework if needed.

At New Road Academy we offer a number of extra-curricular sessions after school with the art team to support students with their projects outside of lessons.

Trips to local galleries, visiting artists and specialist workshops will be available for students to enrich their skills and KS4 experience.

Art is more than just a creative subject and is seen as more of an interdisciplinary subject that can cross over to other subjects such as the sciences, performing arts, medicine and maths. The course teaches students how to look at things differently, be creative and use critical thinking to be able to analyse, problem solve, research, develop and produce an outcome. At Post 16 level, there are a wide range of options to study at a local College or Sixth Form such as, A Levels within Art and Design; Fine Art, Fashion and Textiles, Graphic Communication, Photography, 3-Dimensional Design, or, BTEC Art and Design. Within the field of art and design, there are numerous specialisms to progress into for a career, these include Animation, Film Production, Interior Design and Fashion Design, Art Teacher, Theatre Designer, Creative Media Creator, Museum Educator, Art Therapist.